VOLUME35 000 KR | 5 000 000 | 0,007 |
HIGH20 000 KR | 1 000 000 | 0,02 |
MEDIUM7 990 KR | 250 000 | 0,03 |
LOW2 950 KR | 50 000 | 0,06 |
START990 KR | 5 000 | 0,20 |
VOLUME70 000 KR | 5 000 000 | 0,014 |
HIGH40 000 KR | 1 000 000 | 0,04 |
MEDIUM15 990 KR | 250 000 | 0,06 |
LOW5 950 KR | 50 000 | 0,12 |
START1 990 KR | 5 000 | 0,40 |
Here's a list containing possible ways of obtaining basic information about companies.
Here's a list containing possible ways of obtaining basic information about persons.
Unknown numbers are phone numbers that aren't connected to any specific company or person in our database.
Since we cannot be sure who the owner of the number is, we show you other things such as how many times our users has searched for this specific number, or if they have reported the number as some kind spam.
Search for a place and get the polygon, lineString or point data for that geo area to use on your services.
Get geographical search suggestions such as addresses or places for your online forms.
Lookup companies or persons on a specific street or address. Not available for Norwegian data.
Here's a list containing the possible parameters to use for routing requests by adding waypoint input as coordinates (lat, lon)